Below is useful information and resources regarding the Arizona State Board of Podiatry Examiners. Please contact board staff if you have any questions.
Fee Schedule
- Application for a podiatry license - $650.00 (includes dispensing registration)
- Application for a temporary license - $100.00
- License issuance - $225.00
- Annual renewal - $375.00 (includes dispensing renewal)
- Late fee for renewals received after July 30 each year - $150.00
- License verification - $10.00
Continuing Medical Education
Pursuant to A.R.S. § 32-829(A), any licensee who wishes to renew their Arizona podiatry license must present evidence satisfactory to the Board that in the year preceding the application for renewal the licensee attended at least twenty-five (25) hours of Board approved continuing education courses or programs.
Continuing medical education ("CME")courses must be completed between July 1 and June 30 for each applicable renewal year. A licensee may tak up to ten (10) hours of CME on the Internet, on a CD-ROM or in podiatric medical literature such as a journal. The licensee's CME report is incorporated into his/her annual license renewal application.
Types of CME courses that are generally approved include hands-on courses in podiatric assessment, anatomy and physiology, surgical techniques, wound care, billing and coding, practice management, ethics, documentation and charting and courses related to medical areas such as diabetes, pharmacology, geriatrics, disease pathology and physical therapy.
Pursuact to A.R.S. § 32-829(C), licensees may request a waiver of CME by submitting satisfactory proof that they were prevented from attending educational programs because of disability, military service or absence from the continental United States.
Use of Social Security Numbers
Pursuant to A.R.S. § 25-320(P), disclosure of your social security account number to this agency is required. The Arizona State Board of Podiatry Examiners' ("Board") request for social security numbers of the Board's applicants and licensees are for the purposes of identification and for carrying out the Board's statutory obligations. Your social security number will not be released to the general public. However, your social security number may be released to any authorized person pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 405(c)(2)(C)(viii)(III). The Board may also use your social security number as a confidential identifier when inquiring about your education, background or fitness to practice. (An example of this type of use would be to request information from the National Practitioner’s Data Bank).
Substantive Policy Statements
The Arizona State Board of Podiatry Examiners has adopted four Substantive Policy Statements, which are listed below. Please contact the Board's office with any questions.