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Welcome to the Arizona State Board of Podiatry Examiners
NEW elicense database
The Board transitioned to a new elicense database. The new database will streamline the application, renewal and complaint process. You can find the portals to submit complaints, applications, license renewals or service requests (address change requests, license verification requests or name change requests) by clicking on the "Online Services" tab. If you are a licensee and wish to create an account you will click on the "Are you a Licensee" icon and then click "activate now". Licensees will use the primary email address that is on file with the Board and follow the steps to create a password. If you experience any technical difficulties and need assistance please contact the Board office at 602-542-8151 or [email protected].
Universal Recognition
On August 27, 2019, the Arizona Board of Podiatry Examiners will begin accepting applications for licensure by universal recognition. The universal recognition policy allows Arizona residents to use an out-of-state professional or occupational license to qualify for an Arizona license to work. To qualify, an applicant must:
- Prove residency in Arizona
- Be currently licensed or certified for at least one year in another U.S. state in the discipline applied for and at the same level of practice as recognized in Arizona.
- Be in good standing in all states where currently or previously licensed or certified.
- Have met all applicable education, work, exam, and/or clinical supervision requirements in the other state where originally licensed or certified.
- Complete a criminal background check when required by law.
- Take and pass any applicable exam on Arizona state law.
- Pay all applicable licensing fees
- The application is under the "Forms" tab on the Board's website.
Application Fee Waiver
Pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-1080.01, if your family income does not exceed 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, you may qualify for a one-time waiver of the Board’s application/exam fee of $650.00. For further information please see the Application for a Podiatric License which can be found under the "Forms" tab.
Initial Application for Active Duty Service Members, Military Spouses and Veterans please see the below links:
Our mission is to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Arizona by regulating and maintaining standards of practice in the field of podiatric medicine.
The Arizona State Board of Podiatry Examiners was first created on March 26, 1941. While the name has changed, the purpose remains the same, which is to regulate, provide the examination and license doctors of podiatric medicine in the State of Arizona. Interestingly, the profession was originally known as Chiropody and practitioners were known as Chiropodists.
Thank you for visiting the Board's website. We hope our website and its features will help you find all the information you need. If you have any suggestions or questions about our website, please feel free to contact our office.